
You can also find more about my research on Google Scholar profile .

Recent Journal Publications

The list is not frequently updated. Please see Google Scholar for recent updates.

  • Akpinar, D, Chowdhury, S., Tian, J., Guo, Mingxin, Barton, S., and P.T. Imhoff (2023) Understanding a wood-derived biochar’s impact on stormwater quality, plant growth, and survivability in bioretention soil mixtures, Journal of Environmental Management, DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2023.119359.

  • Akpinar, D, Tian, J., Shepherd, E., and P.T. Imhoff (2023) Impact of wood-derived biochar on the hydrologic performance of bioretention media: Effects on aggregation, root growth, and water retention, Journal of Environmental Management, DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2023.117864.

  • Platt, K.L., Di Toro, D.M., Carbonaro, R.F., Bugher, N.A., Parkerton, T.F., Eastcott, L.J., and P.T. Imhoff (2022) Ferroccyanide enhanced evaporative flux to remediate soils contaminated with produced water brine, Journal of Hazardous Materials, DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2022.130028

  • Sherman, M., Hripto, J., Peck, E.K., Gold, A.J., Peipoch, M., Imhoff, P., and S. Inamdar (2022) Backed-up, Saturated, and Stagnant: Effect of Milldams on Upstream Riparian Groundwater Hydrologic and Mixing Regimes, Water Resources Research, DOI: 10.1029/2022WR033038.

  • Delkash, M.N.A., Chow, F.K., and P.T. Imhoff} (2022) Diurnal landfill methane flux patterns across different seasons at a landfill in Southeastern US, Waste Management, DOI: 10.1016/j.wasman.2022.03.004

  • Yan, Y., Nakhli, S.A.A., Jin, J., Mills, G., Wilson, C.S., Legates, D.R., Manahiloh, K.N., and P.T. Imhoff (2021) Predicting the impact of biochar on the saturated hydraulic conductivity of natural and engineered media, Journal of Environmental Management, DOI10.1016/j.jenvman.2021.113143.

  • Saxena, S., Srivastave, P.K., Dentel, S.K.,Imhoff, P.T., and D. K. Cha (2021) Field demonstration of breathable laminate-lined container-based toilets in Kanpur, India, Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development, DOI10.2166/washdev.2021.011.

  • Nakhli, S.A.A., Tian, J., Jin, and P.T. Imhoff (2021) Preparing and characterizing repacked columns for experiments in biochar-amended soils, MethodsX, DOI: 10.1016/j.mex.2020.101205.

  • Nakhli, S.A.A., Goy, S., Manahiloh, K.N., and P.T. Imhoff (2021) Spatial heterogeneity of biochar (segregation) in biochar-amended media: an overlooked phenomenon, and its impact on saturated hydraulic conductivity, Journal of Environmental Management, DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2020.111588.

  • Nakhli, S.A.A., and P.T. Imhoff (2020) Models for predicting water retention in pyrogenic carbon (biochar) and biochar‐amended soil at low water contents, Water Resources Research, DOI: 10.1029/2020WR027726.

  • Yi, S., Chang, N. Y., and P.T. Imhoff (2020) Predicting water retention of biochar-amended soil from independent measurements of biochar and soil properties, Advances in Water Resources, DOI: 10.1016/j.advwatres.2020.103638.

Recent Conference Presentations

  • Delkash, M., Aivazian, G., Yazdani, R., Imhoff, P.T., and M. Thorpe (2023) Application of a Novel Airborne LiDAR Measurement to Quantify Landfill Methane Emissions and Leak Locations, AWMA Air Quality Measurement Specialty Conference, Durham, NC.

  • Yazdani, R., Karimi, S., P.T. Imhoff, Delkash, M., Kunkel, M., Thorpe, M., Knipping, E., and S. Shaw (2023) Advanced Quantification of Methane Emissions Using UAV Curtain Flux Method and Comparison with Flux Chamber Method, AWMA Air Quality Measurement Specialty Conference, Durham, NC.

  • Delkash, M.N.A., Chow, F.K., and P.T. Imhoff (2021) Diurnal landfill methane flux patterns across different seasons at a landfill in Southeastern US - Measurement and Modeling, 2021 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, New Orleans, LA.

  • Imhoff, P.T., Delkash, M., Chow, J.K., Taylor, D.M., Golbazi, M., and R. Yazdain (2023) The Effect of Atmospheric Conditions on Fugitive Landfill Gas Emissions – Implications for Measurement and Modeling, EREF Summit on Quantification of Landfill Emissions, Chicago, IL (INVITED).

  • Webb, L., Akpinar, D., and P.T. Imhoff (2022) Enhancement of Infiltration in Compacted Urban Soil with Biochar Amendment, 2022 EWRI ASCE Conference, Atlanta, GA.

  • Akpinar, D., Tian, J. Chowdhury, S., and P.T. Imhoff (2022) Impact of Biochar Amendment on Plant Growth and Plant Traits that Enhance Nutrient Removal in Bioretention Systems, 2022 EWRI ASCE Conference, Atlanta, GA.

  • Nakhli, S.A. and P.T. Imhoff (2022) Biochar for roadways stormwater runoff reduction: how and when it works, 2022 EWRI ASCE Conference, Atlanta, GA.

  • Imhoff, P.T., Kunkel, M., Thorpe, M., Delkash, M., and R. Yazdani (2022) Comparison of Gas Mapping Lidar with EPA Method 21 Surface Scans for Locating and Quantifying Fugitive Methane Releases, Intercontinental Landfill Research Symposium, Asheville, NC.

  • Akpinar, D., Shepherd, E., Tian, J. and P.T. Imhoff (2021) Impact of a Wood-Derived Biochar on The Performance of Bioretention Media: Effects on Plant Growth, Soil Structure, and Soil Hydrology, 2021 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, New Orleans, LA.

  • Shaw, S.L., Aivazian, G., El-Mashad, H., Imhoff, P.T., Knipping, E., Mitloehner, F., Thorpe, M., Yazdani, R., and Y. Zhao, Characterizing Emissions from California Biomethane Facilities, 2021 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, New Orleans, LA (INVITED).

  • Akpinar, D. and P.T. Imhoff (2021) DENIN Graduate Research Symposium, Impact of biochar on plant growth and plant traits that enhance nutrient removal from stormwater in bioretention systems, Virtual.

  • Chowdhury, S., Akpinar, D. and P.T. Imhoff (2021) DENIN Graduate Research Symposium, Impact of biochar amendment to filter strips on stormwater runoff reduction for parking lots and roadways, Virtual.

  • Akpinar, D., Chowdhury, S., Bowser, M., Kramer, D., and P.T. Imhoff (2021) Enhancement of Infiltration in Compacted Urban Soil with Biochar Amendment, 2021 AWRA Mid-Atlantic Conference, Virtual.

  • Platt, K.L., Imhoff, P.T., DiToro, D., Carbonaro, R.F., Allen, H.E., Parkerton, T.F., and L.J. Eastcott (2020) Enhanced Evaporative Flux to Remediate Soils Contaminated with Produced Water Brine, SETAC North America 41st Annual Meeting, Virtual.

  • Thorpe, M.J., Kreitinger, A.T., Imhoff, P.T., and R. Yazdani (2020) Drone-Based Gas Mapping LiDAR for Methane Concentration Mapping and Whole Landfill Emissions Monitoring, Global Waste Management Symposium 2020, Indian Wells, CA.

  • Imhoff, P.T., Akpinar, D., Tian, W., Cargill, S. and S. Chowdhury (2020) Enhancement of Bioretention Media Through Biochar Amendment, 2020 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, January, Washington, DC (INVITED).